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Han Oomen
reactie op: verhaal Week 17

Hi Anouk, Looking forward to see you next week!I Falling in love with London will probably make it harder to leave;-) I guess you had a great time with your mum .See you soon.

Han Oomen

Hi Anouk,

Best wishes!
I hope you're fine and didn't work too hard on your bowling skills. :-)
Looking forward to your report at the end of this week.

Best of luck.
Han Oomen

Han Oomen

Great talking to you today. I hope you will get things sorted at work and we’ll be in touch again soon. If you have some nice photos, do share them. Best

Wouter Muurmans

It is good to hear that the people are nice. Your work looks interesting. I’m looking forward to your new post!
Don't forget assignment two from your extra cirricular subject (Keuzedeel)